Tagged: unconscious bias

OCL Equality and Diversity Training Video

As apart of the Oasis Community Learning (OCL) equality and diversity steering group, I was delighted to be involved in the training and delivery of equality, diversity and inclusion for teachers across 51 academies.

How does unconscious bias affect you?

  An example of good practice for encouraging diversity exists at the University of Manchester (University of Manchester, 2016), during the recruitment process they use an Implicit Association Test Beattie (2012), which measures unconscious...

BME teachers often given stereotypical roles in schools

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/14/bme-teachers-stereotypical-roles-in-schools?CMP=fb_gu Interesting read. This also supports the importance of positive role models in education. Is there a need for positive discrimination, as suggested by Sir Michael Gove (mentioned in the previous articles), to fast...